Albuquerque has served as a great overnight stop point for longer cross country trips that pass north of the White Sands restricted area complex (El Paso is great if you’re passing to the south). Cutter Aviation is a fantastic FBO, and has provided amazing service every time we’ve visited.
We have not yet had the opportunity to spend much time in Albuquerque, so we don’t yet have too many comments on the town and the sightseeing/exploration opportunities.
Flying into or out of the area, the biggest thing to watch for are the high terrain surrounding Albuquerque. Expect 12,000ft or higher if you’re on an instrument plan - and be alert for icing.
Visits to KABQ
Basic Data
- City: Albuquerque
- Last visited: October 5, 2018
- Best time of year:
- Flight time from HHR:
- Rating: